회화 필수 표현 18가지 - (1)
- 영어 공부
- 2020. 6. 27.
1. 운동하다.
= do the exercise at the gym / at a fitness center / at a sports center
= work out at the gym / at a fitness center / at a sports center
1. I just do the exercise at the gym.
2. I try to do the exercise at a fitness center three times a week.
2. 쇼핑하다.
= go shipping
( 아이 쇼핑하다. = go window shopping)
1. Q. What did you do today? A. I went shipping to the department store.
2. Do you want me to buy something? I'm going shipping now.
3. 여행하다.
= go on a trip
= take a trip
※ 다른 go on 표현들(go on a date / a blind date / vacation / strike)
1. I went on a trip last weekend.
2. Have you went on a blind date? I have someone to introduce to you.
4. 빨래하다.
= do the laundry
1. I do the laundry every Saturday.
2. Let's do the laundry.
5. 설거지하다.
= wash the dishes
1. Can you wash the dishes instead of me.
6. 청소하다.
= clean the house
= clean up the house
1. I just clean the house.
2. Did you clean the house this week?
7. 봉사활동하다.
= do the voluteering work
1. When I was a junior in the university, I did the volunteering work in the philippines
8. 건강검진받다.
= get a medical check-up
1. If you have a fever now, you have to get a medical check-up asap.
9. 커피마시다.
= have a coffee.
1. Why don't we have a coffee after dinner?
2. How often do you have a coffee for a day?
실생활에 자주 사용되는 표현에 대해서 알아보았습니다. 실제로 가벼운 회화에서 굉장히 자주 사용되는 표현이니 자연스럽게 사용할 수 있을 정도로 익혀두는 것이 좋습니다!!
※ 본 글이 도움되었다면 하트 클릭 부탁드립니다!
(비로그인으로도 가능합니다! )
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